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GIDDY UP-DATE NEWSLETTER: Top Ten 2021 Colorado Wins

Dec 28, 2021


Welcome to the first edition of The Giddy Up-date, where we keep you in the “loop” with everything we’re working on in Washington. It’s been a busy first year in the Senate, so to keep things simple we’ve made a list of our Top Ten:

10. Slashed Connect for Health Colorado insurance premiums in half

9. Established a permanent Bureau of Land Management Western Headquarters in Grand Junction

8. Held four (virtual) Town Halls reaching nearly 10,000 Coloradans

7. Secured $10 BILLION for local Colorado projects, including our roads

6. Passed our first bill, the RECHARGE Act, which fights climate change by making it cheaper to drive an electric vehicle 

5. Helped 1,700 Coloradans resolve issues with government agencies

4. Helped get the COVID-19 vaccine to 4 million Coloradans

3. Secured over $700 MILLION in COVID relief for Colorado small businesses

2. Responded to over 600,000 constituent letters

1. Wrote the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, our biggest infrastructure investment since the New Deal and the largest climate bill ever!

That’s a lot for year one, but we’re just getting started. We’ve got more to do in 2022, including protecting the right to vote, building an economy that works for everyone, and doing more to fight climate change.

As your Senator in Washington, I work for you. So share what’s on your mind and keep in touch on InstagramFacebookTwitter, or via our website.

Happy New Year!

Senator John Hickenlooper

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