Press Releases

Hickenlooper Joins Colleagues to Form Gun Violence Prevention Caucus

Feb 3, 2023

Washington – This week, U.S. Senators John Hickenlooper, Dianne Feinstein, Dick Durbin, Richard Blumenthal, Cory Booker, Bob Menendez, Chris Murphy, and Edward J. Markey announced the formation of the Gun Violence Prevention Caucus.

            Members of the caucus will work together to promote commonsense solutions to battle the epidemic of gun violence plaguing the United States. In addition to coordinating efforts in the Senate and with the House, the caucus has the goal of holding additional hearings and briefings on key gun violence issues beyond the work of Senate committees.

         “The gun violence epidemic is a uniquely American problem. But it’s within our reach to end it,” said Senator Hickenlooper.

 Issues that the caucus may focus on include:

  • Successes and failures of state-level gun violence prevention laws and how they may be applied at a federal level.
  • Strategies for drafting gun safety legislation that preserve constitutional rights and will avoid frivolous lawsuits.
  • Strategies to engage local communities in the fight against gun violence.
  • Best practices for gun violence prevention advocacy.
  • Opportunities to engage with the administration and executive branch to address gun violence.

Gun safety bills that caucus members plan to introduce this Congress:

  • 3D Printed Gun Safety Act
  • Accountability for Online Firearms Marketplaces
  • Background Check Completion Act
  • Background Check Expansion Act
  • Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act
  • Federal Firearm Licensing Act
  • Gun Records Restoration and Preservation Act
  • Gun Violence Prevention Research Act
  • Gun Violence Prevention Through Financial Intelligence Act
  • HEAR Act
  • Jaime’s Law
  • Keep Americans Safe Act
  • Keeping Gun Dealers Honest Act
  • Lori Jackson-Nicolette Domestic Violence Survivor Protection Act
  • NICS Data Integrity Act
  • Officer Ella Grace French Task Force Support Act
  • Preventing Pretrial Gun Purchases Act
  • Safe Gun Storage Act
  • Stopping the Fraudulent Sales of Firearms Act
  • Untraceable Firearms Act

            “Gun violence is unfortunately an issue that touches every American, regardless of party, and the creation of this caucus will help senators better respond to gun violence and coordinate comprehensive gun safety policies. We applaud Sen. Feinstein and the caucus members for taking this important step in bringing attention to and addressing this important issue,” said Kris Brown, president of Brady.

            “Last year, the Senate passed major gun legislation for the first time in nearly 30 years – and this year, a gun violence prevention caucus will come together to build on that momentum and save lives. We applaud Senator Feinstein for bringing this caucus together, and we urge the entire Senate to listen to their voters and champion common-sense gun safety laws to keep guns out of dangerous hands,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety.

            “Too many communities and families know the toll of gun violence and the trauma it leaves behind whether it comes in the form of a suicide, accidental death, or community violence. Last year, there were more mass shootings than days in the year, and so far 2023 is following the same pattern. Our nation will never be able to end this epidemic without elected officials who have the courage to act and pass commonsense legislation. That’s why we are so excited and grateful for the new Gun Violence Prevention Caucus in the Senate, and we look forward to working with these dedicated gun safety champions to advance policy solutions that will enhance public safety and save lives,” said Adzi Vokhiwa, federal affairs director for Giffords.


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