
We need a comprehensive fix for our broken immigration system

Our broken immigration system has stifled our economy, undermined our security, and undercut our country’s proud heritage as a nation of immigrants. Senator Hickenlooper has a deep commitment to justice for our immigrant communities and is committed to finding a comprehensive fix for our broken immigration system, including a pathway to citizenship.

Senator Hickenlooper is an original cosponsor of the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, which would implement sweeping immigration reform that would provide millions of hardworking undocumented immigrants with a fair pathway to citizenship, prioritize family reunification and keeping families together, and make smart investments to effectively and responsibly manage our borders.

Colorado is home to more than 14,000 people who are protected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. They came here as children and make invaluable contributions to our communities. Senator Hickenlooper supports restoring the DACA program while Congress works on a permanent solution. As Governor of Colorado, he signed one of the first bills in the country granting in-state tuition to DACA recipients.

Immigration reform will also create long term economic growth since many immigrants start new businesses and will be essential to our future workforce needs. Senator Hickenlooper believes we can restore humanity to our immigration system while maintaining a secure border and creating a guest worker system that is fair and protects American workers.

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