Hey folks,
In case you missed it, we recently hit the road and visited communities in Southern Colorado and on the Eastern Plains to discuss top of mind issues and meet with Coloradans like YOU!

In Rocky Ford, we toured Hirakata Farms and discussed the importance of our agriculture industry with local ranchers, farmers, and producers. After Southern Coloradans have waited decades, we’ve helped secure major investments to finish the Arkansas Valley Conduit project and deliver clean water — check out my HikTok video on it HERE!

And over in La Junta, we met with local health care providers to discuss the challenges they face providing care for their communities. Where you live shouldn’t determine *IF* you live, and we’re committed to making sure rural providers have the resources they need to provide the care their communities need.

Read the full front page article in the Pueblo Chieftain HERE, or hear more about our visit in KOAA News 5, and Fox 21
Down the road in Pueblo, we toured the Transportation Technology Center, the largest railway testing facility in the world, to talk about improvements to railway safety following last year’s train derailment outside of Pueblo. We also hopped aboard North America’s first Hydrogen-powered passenger train! Pretty sweet, huh?

We also stopped by Mt. Carmel Veterans Center in Pueblo to listen to veterans and hear about their needs, and convened a roundtable of women-led, local small business owners!
Visiting communities across the state and speaking directly with Coloradans is what this job is about. Until next time!

Senator John Hickenlooper
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